Barbeque Nation Hospitality Limited IPO Review (Barbeque Nation IPO GMP Today)

Barbeque Nation Hospitality Limited IPO Review (Barbeque Nation IPO GMP)

WATCH VIDEO Barbeque Nation Hospitality Limited IPO Review (Barbeque Nation IPO GMP)

The first Barbeque Nation Restaurant was established in 2008 and as of November 30, 2019, the network has been steadily grown to 138 Barbeque Nation Restaurants in 73 cities in India and 7 International Barbeque Nation Restaurants in 3 countries outside India. The company has recently diversified into another brand "Red Apple" which operates 10 Italian restaurants in 2 cities of India i.e. Bengaluru and Chennai.

Competitive strengths

  • One of India's fastest-growing restaurant brands.
  • Diversified offerings for both vegetarian and non-vegetarians.
  • Experienced promoters and managers team.
  • Healthy financial position with a proven track record of revenue growth.

Company Promoters:

Sayaji Hotels Limited, Sayaji Housekeeping Services Limited, Kayum Dhanani, Raoof Dhanani, and Suchitra Dhanani are the company promoters.

Company Financials:

Summary of financial Information (Restated Consolidated)
ParticularsFor the year/period ended (₹ in million)
Total Assets9,085.859,554.588,190.857,231.60
Total Revenue2,366.088,507.947,425.415,904.48
Profit After Tax(1,006.48)(329.28)(383.86)(58.00)

Objects of the Issue:

  • To make prepayment/repayment of all or a part of the company's outstanding borrowings availed on a consolidated basis.
  • To meet general corporate purposes.

Barbeque Nation IPO Details

IPO Opening DateMar 24, 2021
IPO Closing DateMar 26, 2021
Issue TypeBook Built Issue IPO
Face Value₹5 per equity share
IPO Price₹498 to ₹500 per equity share
Market Lot30 Shares
Min Order Quantity30 Shares
Listing AtBSE, NSE
Issue Size[.] Eq Shares of ₹5
(aggregating up to ₹452.87 Cr)
Fresh Issue[.] Eq Shares of ₹5
(aggregating up to ₹180.00 Cr)
Offer for Sale5,457,470 Eq Shares of ₹5
(aggregating up to ₹272.87 Cr)

Barbeque Nation IPO Tentative Timetable

The Barbeque Nation IPO open date is Mar 24, 2021, and the close date is Mar 26, 2021. The issue may list on Apr 7, 2021.

IPO Open DateMar 24, 2021
IPO Close DateMar 26, 2021
Basis of Allotment DateApr 1, 2021
Initiation of RefundsApr 5, 2021
Credit of Shares to Demat AccountApr 6, 2021
IPO Listing DateApr 7, 2021

Barbeque Nation IPO Lot Size

The Barbeque Nation IPO market lot size is 30 shares. A retail-individual investor can apply for up to 13 lots (390 shares or ₹195,000).




Amount (Cut-off)

Barbeque Nation IPO Promoter Holding

Pre Issue Share Holding60.21%
Post Issue Share Holding

Barbeque Nation IPO Prospectus

Grey Market Premium or GMP Today of Barbeque Nation IPO

The Grey Market Premium of Barbeque Nation IPO is rumored to be Rs 550 today(15:01 IST). For exact GMP, stay tuned.

Balance Sheet / Financials of Barbeque Nation IPO

ParameterMAR 20 MAR 19 
Share Capital139.96139.92
    Equity - Authorised300.00300.00
    Equity - Issued139.96139.92
    Equity Paid Up139.96139.92
    Equity Shares Forfeited0.000.00
    Adjustments to Equity0.000.00
    Preference Capital Paid Up0.000.00
    Face Value5.005.00
Share Warrants & Outstandings47.3135.98
Total Reserves-128.111140.38
    Securities Premium1631.011628.42
    Capital Reserves0.000.00
    Profit & Loss Account Balance-1715.07-464.72
    General Reserves0.000.00
    Other Reserves-44.05-23.32
Reserve excluding Revaluation Reserve-128.111140.38
Revaluation reserve0.000.00
Shareholder's Funds59.161316.28
Minority Interest52.310.00
Long-Term Borrowings0.000.00
Secured Loans1650.641092.96
    Non Convertible Debentures0.000.00
    Converible Debentures & Bonds0.000.00
    Packing Credit - Bank0.000.00
    Inter Corporate & Security Deposit0.000.00
    Term Loans - Banks1561.051420.47
    Term Loans - Institutions472.600.00
    Other Secured-383.01-327.51
Unsecured Loans0.000.00
    Fixed Deposits - Public0.000.00
    Loans and advances from subsidiaries0.000.00
    Inter Corporate Deposits (Unsecured)0.000.00
    Foreign Currency Convertible Notes0.000.00
    Long Term Loan in Foreign Currency0.000.00
    Loans - Banks0.000.00
    Loans - Govt.0.000.00
    Loans - Others0.000.00
    Other Unsecured Loan0.000.00
Deferred Tax Assets / Liabilities-277.90-304.53
    Deferred Tax Assets277.90336.90
    Deferred Tax Liability0.0032.37
Other Long Term Liabilities5002.243621.91
Long Term Trade Payables0.000.00
Long Term Provisions85.32114.07
Total Non-Current Liabilities6460.304524.41
Current LiabilitiesNANA
Trade Payables1125.13768.30
    Sundry Creditors1125.13768.30
    Due to Subsidiaries- Trade Payables0.000.00
Other Current Liabilities1091.801046.99
    Bank Overdraft / Short term credit0.000.00
    Advances received from customers0.000.00
    Interest Accrued But Not Due8.263.39
    Share Application Money0.000.00
    Current maturity of Debentures & Bonds0.000.00
    Current maturity - Others0.000.00
    Other Liabilities1083.541043.60
Short Term Borrowings414.66157.10
    Secured ST Loans repayable on Demands149.4250.06
    Working Capital Loans- Sec149.4250.06
    Buyers Credits - Unsec0.000.00
    Commercial Borrowings- Unsec0.000.00
    Other Unsecured Loans115.8256.98
Short Term Provisions73.3273.24
    Proposed Equity Dividend0.000.00
    Provision for Corporate Dividend Tax0.000.00
    Provision for Tax10.6139.70
    Provision for post retirement benefits6.263.00
    Preference Dividend0.000.00
    Other Provisions56.4530.54
Total Current Liabilities2704.912045.63
Total Liabilities9276.687886.32
Gross Block12633.469808.86
Less: Accumulated Depreciation4506.602985.63
Less: Impairment of Assets0.000.00
Net Block8126.866823.23
Lease Adjustment A/c0.000.00
Capital Work in Progress108.92158.86
Non Current Investments0.000.00
Long Term Investment0.000.00
Long Term Loans & Advances367.98280.94
Other Non Current Assets0.000.00
Total Non-Current Assets8603.767263.03
Current Assets Loans & AdvancesNANA
Currents Investments0.000.00
    Raw Materials0.000.00
    Work-in Progress0.000.00
    Finished Goods0.000.00
    Packing Materials0.000.00
    Stores  and Spare15.4652.91
    Other Inventory133.79139.82
Sundry Debtors21.5148.99
    Debtors more than Six months1.6514.68
    Debtors Others21.5148.99
Cash and Bank146.96119.81
    Cash in hand2.5018.39
    Balances at Bank144.46101.42
    Other cash and bank balances0.000.00
Other Current Assets214.51194.43
    Interest accrued on Investments5.793.87
    Interest accrued on Debentures0.000.00
    Deposits with Government0.000.00
    Interest accrued and or due on loans0.000.00
    Prepaid Expenses72.54115.48
    Other current_assets136.1875.08
Short Term Loans and Advances140.6967.33
    Advances recoverable in cash or in kind93.6456.37
    Advance income tax and TDS0.000.00
    Amounts due from directors0.000.00
    Due From Subsidiaries0.000.00
    Inter corporate deposits0.000.00
    Corporate Deposits0.000.00
    Other Loans & Advances47.0510.96
Total Current Assets672.92623.29
Net Current Assets (Including Current Investments)-2031.99-1422.34
Miscellaneous Expenses not written off0.000.00
Total Assets9276.687886.32
Contingent Liabilities914.1420.63
Total Debt2449.631578.56
Book Value0.4245.75
Adjusted Book Value0.4245.75

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